Created by JoseBravo on 5/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Middleware to check if user has the profile completed
I'm attempting to direct a user to a particular page to complete their registration. The concept is that if they attempt to navigate to any page or resource, they'll be redirected to a custom page I've created where they can complete their registration. I initially attempted to create a Middleware for this purpose, but encountered an issue where auth()->user() is not available at that moment. Therefore, I'm seeking an alternative method to consistently redirect the user to that page until certain fields in the user's table are filled. Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this?
8 replies
Created by JoseBravo on 4/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Ioncube encoder
I'm uising Filament 2, with php 8.1, and I'm trying to encode with ioncube. But my php dies with this code in my resource: Forms\Components\TextInput::make('ip') ->required() ->unique(callback: function (Unique $rule, callable $get) { return $rule ->where('ip', $get('ip')) ->where('username', $get('username')); }, ignoreRecord: true) ->rule('ipv4') ->maxLength(255), specifically in the unique closure. Any idea what can I do? thanks,
15 replies
Created by JoseBravo on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Access to Livewire in IconColumn
Hi, I'm looking to access to Livewire/page object in the options() method of IconColumn, in a Resource. Apparently it only receives $state and $record. Any way to access to $livewire?
1 replies
Created by JoseBravo on 11/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Async status
Hi, I have a list of servers in my filament application, and I would like to create an action that connects to each of those servers and displays whether each server is responding or not. I know how to implement the logic to check if the servers are up or down. However, I'm unsure about how to update the list of servers with their statuses asynchronously. In other words, I don't want to wait for all servers to be checked before displaying the page. I'm thinking of something like making an AJAX call for each server individually. Could you please provide me with some guidance or ideas on how I can achieve this? Thank you!
7 replies