Customizing update process globally
What about Eloquent events? https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/eloquent#events
5 replies
getHEaderWidgetColumns not works in resource view
You can use
protected function getColumns(): int
, but it only allows you 4 columns max. If you need more columns you can create your own view based on stats-overview-widget.blade.php
and modify it to add more column options. Mine is:
4 replies
Two panels with two auth guards, logges me out from both
Thank you, @Sourabh
Unfortunately your approach didn't work for me. Instead, I had to remove your composer.json modifications and add an alias to the default LoginController in my AppServiceProvider, as follows:
And I made some modifications to your LogoutController to keep it simpler and without the need to know the name of the panels and their guards:
12 replies