Created by HeartlandTechie on 6/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Page title changes with Wizard?
I'm trying to make a page title the name of an entity and it works fine when the page loads. When I use the Wizard to advance to the next step, my page heading disappears. Any thoughts or insight? web.php Route::get('/checkin/check-in/{id}', \App\Filament\Checkin\Pages\CheckIn::class); checkin.php CheckIn extends Page { protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text'; protected ?string $heading = ''; //protected ?string $subheading = ''; protected static string $view = 'filament.checkin.pages.check-in'; public ?string $student_number = ''; public ?string $status = ''; public ?string $out_reason = ''; public ?string $in_reason = ''; public ?string $info; public function mount($id) { $this->info = $id; $this->heading = \App\Models\School::where('school_number', $id)->value('name'); }
1 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 5/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Can I just upload images without the Spatie MediaPro library?
It looks like I should be able to add a page (not a resource) and build a form on that page and use the official Spatie Media Plugin for FilamentPHP to upload pics . . . they are being stored in the temp table, but I can't get them to be acknowledged in my page?? public function create(): void { $this->data = $this->form->getState('data'); $this->data['employee_id'] = auth()->user()->employeeid; $this->data['school_number'] = $this->schoolid; $this->data['dcid'] = $this->dcid; $this->data['student_first_name'] = $this->student_first_name; $this->data['student_last_name'] = $this->student_last_name; $this->data['grade_level'] = $this->grade_level; $this->data['year'] = '2023-2024'; $device = CollectedDevice::updateOrCreate(['student_number' => $this->student_number,'year'=> $this->data['year']],$this->data); //$device = CollectedDevice::create($this->form->getState('data')); // This barfs because I dont' have the pro license // $device->addFromMediaLibraryRequest($this->photos)->toMediaCollection('images'); foreach($this->photos as $photo) { $device->addMedia($photo->livewire-file)->toMediaCollection('images'); } $this->form->model($device)->saveRelationships();
3 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 5/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Notifications Markup not working as expected?
No description
12 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 1/21/2024 in #❓┊help
Person to address - how to keep the address as unique?
I have a table with people and an address can be added, that part I have working. What I want it to do is when you add the address I want it to give you the ability to search and find an address and associate it to the persion. (Think family units - father/mother and then children - we don't want four addresses, we want one address and then each of the parents/children can be associated to that one address.). Is there a handy way to do this ?
6 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 12/12/2023 in #❓┊help
CheckBox List - All going on?
This is a weird one . . . when I add a checkbox all the options toggle/on/off . . when I submit the field is a boolean, not an array of values. Thoughts?
17 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 12/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Odd - create command putting file in wrong directory?
php artisan make:livewire CreatePost COMPONENT CREATED 🤙 CLASS: app/CreatePost.php VIEW: resources/views/livewire/create-post.blade.php This is happening locally and on my development server. Any thoughts on why it would create in app directory vs. livewire?
5 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 7/6/2023 in #❓┊help
Route that displays a page with form?
How can I add a route that just displays a form - I think I'm very confused and doing this backwards. In fact one of my forms shows the form at the top and the HTML for the page at the bottom . . .it renders, but not well. Thoughts?
Route::get('/app_form', function () { return view('application_form'); })->name('business.send');
3 replies
Created by HeartlandTechie on 3/6/2023 in #❓┊help
Json OrWhere with other Filters ?
Suggestions on how to perform a subquery with a json field for multiple responses? I'm currently running into something like this: Company table - json field with attributes for type of activities a business is interested in. I want to be able to select something - like say a region where a company is as a filter (which works) but then say interested in team building, or direct sales, or whatever . . . but I want the businesses that have team building and I want the ones that have said direct sales. My filter should be an orwhere but it's against the json field.
6 replies