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Created by marianov24 on 5/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Select using getSearchResultsUsing with preload
Hi i follow this Tricks :
I try use getSearchResultsUsing and getOptionLabelUsing. I want use preload too, but it's not working. If i use options and getOptionlabelUsing, preload works but searchable not. (when i use this, i comment ->where)
->getSearchResultsUsing( function(string $search) {
$user = auth()->user();

if($user->products()->whereBelongsTo(Filament::getTenant())->whereRelation('performances','start','>=',now()->subMonths(8))->count() > 0)
$products =
$products =
return $products->mapWithKeys(function ($product) {
return [$product->stx_id => static::getCleanOptionString($product)];

->getOptionLabelUsing(function ($value): string {
$product = Product::find($value);

return static::getCleanOptionString($product);
->getSearchResultsUsing( function(string $search) {
$user = auth()->user();

if($user->products()->whereBelongsTo(Filament::getTenant())->whereRelation('performances','start','>=',now()->subMonths(8))->count() > 0)
$products =
$products =
return $products->mapWithKeys(function ($product) {
return [$product->stx_id => static::getCleanOptionString($product)];

->getOptionLabelUsing(function ($value): string {
$product = Product::find($value);

return static::getCleanOptionString($product);
3 replies
Created by marianov24 on 12/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Custom Page with HasFiltersForm with submit button
How can insert a submit button to apply filters and only apply when click on submit and not on every changes from fields. I could show on view page, but it's not working with the form.
3 replies
TLCTuto's Laravel Corner
Created by marianov24 on 12/20/2023 in #💡filament
Clean filters
I create custom pages to show 2 or 3 widgets, all has
use HasFiltersForm;
use HasFiltersForm;
I need when navigate and comeback to the pages, the filters set null. I try: mount $this->filters = null; on custom page, not working mount $this->filters = null; on widget and got an error cannot mutate filters. How can i solve this?
4 replies
Created by marianov24 on 12/19/2023 in #❓┊help
clean filters from Dashboard
I'm using use
public function filtersForm(Form $form): Form
{ ....... }
public function filtersForm(Form $form): Form
{ ....... }
I need clean filters went enter to dashboard page.
4 replies
Created by marianov24 on 5/31/2023 in #❓┊help
List From a Model - Form and Save from another Model with Relationship
I have a table with Products (I have all the basic info) and another table ExtraFieldProduct (extra fields for the products). What I would need is to list the products in the table, but when I click on a record send the id to the ExtraFieldProduct Form, set the id to product_id and then fill in the form to create or edit. Thanks!!!
6 replies
Created by marianov24 on 5/5/2023 in #❓┊help
disable clickable row with getTableRecordActionUsing() not working
I want to disable clickable rows, so i follow the docs:
I add to the Resoure:
protected function getTableRecordActionUsing(): ?Closure
return null;
protected function getTableRecordActionUsing(): ?Closure
return null;
and try too:
protected function getTableRecordUrlUsing(): ?Closure
return null;
protected function getTableRecordUrlUsing(): ?Closure
return null;
But is not working
6 replies
Created by marianov24 on 3/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Form keep loading
I have one Form that's keep loading... finish with timeout. This form is only to view information, so is a view. I remove, all the RelationManager and on the form make simple a Select:
->options(function (callable $get) {

return Contact::find($get('contact_id'))->pluck('email', 'id');
->options(function (callable $get) {

return Contact::find($get('contact_id'))->pluck('email', 'id');
the others fields are from the model. I use MySQL and the table has 159736 records. I have another thable with more records and don't have any problem. How can i debug this?
10 replies
Created by marianov24 on 3/5/2023 in #❓┊help
Relation Manager Resource with pivot - Custom Attach
Hi guys, i create a Relation Manager Resource with pivot. Information: -> Invoice -> it's the Main Resource -> Performance -> it's the Relation Manager Resource -> they have Many to Many relationship. -> it's work, but i need make a change. * I have Product table that has Many Performance, So i need on the popup show a Select for Products, when products Select filter the Performance :
->form(fn (AttachAction $action): array => [

->afterStateUpdated(fn (callable $set) => $set ('start',null))
->options(function (callable $get){

$product = Product::find($get('product_id'));
if (!$product)
return [];
return $product->performances()->pluck('start','id');

->form(fn (AttachAction $action): array => [

->afterStateUpdated(fn (callable $set) => $set ('start',null))
->options(function (callable $get){

$product = Product::find($get('product_id'));
if (!$product)
return [];
return $product->performances()->pluck('start','id');

The form works but when a click on Attach i got an error:
Undefined array key "recordId"
Undefined array key "recordId"
I imagine that to solve this I should use:
Relation Manager Resource with pivot - Custome Attach
Relation Manager Resource with pivot - Custome Attach
But I do not know how to do it
9 replies