How To Communicate Between Components
They are generally used for global state. Like if you wanted a signal to be able to be read and set by any component in your app you'd use a context provider.
You can limit them to just a group of components instead of all components too
16 replies
Why is this not reactive? (using signal + html open attribute)
I only ask because it feels like a question for a job interview. I could be wrong. event ,loop seems so abstract and people want you to know about it... Sorry didn't mena to hijack thread I will watch video 🙂
22 replies
Why is this not reactive? (using signal + html open attribute)
I'm not sure. Things I can think of to try include....
Using a create effect. Check the value of the signal in the create effect and set open on the details accordingly. Would need a ref for the details. Then I think it would be or false. Something like that.
Or you could install nanostores or zustand. And use that to manage your state....guessing you don't want to do that. I wouldnt.
22 replies
Why is this not reactive? (using signal + html open attribute)
This works but it's kind of abckwards:
22 replies