Reordering and Observers
what's the trick to triggerng an observer from a filament table : ->reorderable('sort'); ? I need to clear cache on reordering items. I set an Observer but the updating of sort records is not triggering the models observer
11 replies
help with S3 and filament and Larvel Vapor
so I have this weird status:
I have 2 environments staging and testing deployed on vapor.
both have the same storage s3 in the vapor.yml. on staging it uploads and on testing it is stuck on the uploading of the FileUpload form component. anyone experience with this?
2 replies
regex format lowercase validation on Spatie Tags Input not working on input
I want to accept only lowercase entries as this package saves in a json column the entries are not unique so I can get multiple entries for the same tag inside the RecipeResource , i get the message on lowercase inputs because it's json, so I need to take care of it after the saved method
2 replies
Pros and Cons for Translations DB schema: json vs dedicated tables
I need to decide on my DB schema, I have a DB with multiple pivots and a lot of eager loading using with(),
I know json can complicate the queries and add performance overhead. How significant is it? Looking into spatie/laravel-translatable and astrotomic/laravel-translatable. And is there a a package for the latter?
22 replies