foxpro 🐍
foxpro 🐍
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Created by foxpro 🐍 on 12/17/2023 in #support
Polyfilling ecmascript features
Hey! Not experienced with polyfills, but now I'm trying to wrap my app into android webview and I want to support e.g. chrome 80+. And there are some things that not supported, Object.hasOwn What's the recommended way to add polyfills with default stack (Vite + solid.js)? I tried adding core-js with babel preset to solid otpions, but seems like Vite doesn't handle it right in dev-mode, as core-js is written with require.
1 replies
Created by foxpro 🐍 on 10/4/2023 in #support
Updating rendered element in HMR?
I'm still working on stack routing and what I need is different transitions between different views. The problem is: if I use rendered element inside <For> loop:
<AdvancedRouterContext.Provider value={ctx}>
<For each={}>{item => item.element}</For>
<AdvancedRouterContext.Provider value={ctx}>
<For each={}>{item => item.element}</For>
It never updates element if HMR occurs. This is how I render components to elements:
async function onMatch(
def: Placeholder,
match: ReturnType<ReturnType<typeof useMatch>>,
prevMatch: typeof match
) {
// <...>
const els = children(() => (
<AdvancedRouterContext.Provider value={{ ...ctx, match }}>
<def.component />
const promise = new Promise<HTMLElement>(res => {
createComputed(() => {
const el = els.toArray()[0]
if (el === undefined) return
res(el as HTMLElement)
const element = await promise
view = {
stackable: def.stackable,
next: null,
path: match.path,
batch(() => {
store.graph.push(view as View) = view
// <...>
async function onMatch(
def: Placeholder,
match: ReturnType<ReturnType<typeof useMatch>>,
prevMatch: typeof match
) {
// <...>
const els = children(() => (
<AdvancedRouterContext.Provider value={{ ...ctx, match }}>
<def.component />
const promise = new Promise<HTMLElement>(res => {
createComputed(() => {
const el = els.toArray()[0]
if (el === undefined) return
res(el as HTMLElement)
const element = await promise
view = {
stackable: def.stackable,
next: null,
path: match.path,
batch(() => {
store.graph.push(view as View) = view
// <...>
Is it possible to handle HMR update and re-render elements? I kinda solved it by adding component inside view and rendering it in <For> and then catching via <Ref> and promise, but this solution adds complexity only for sake of HMR.
1 replies
Created by foxpro 🐍 on 8/8/2023 in #help
Deno debugging configuration is missing?
No description
1 replies
Created by foxpro 🐍 on 7/27/2023 in #help
`deno compile` in Nix results in `deno repl` starting instead of actual program
5 replies
Created by foxpro 🐍 on 7/12/2023 in #support
`@solidjs/router` doesn't navigate in production mode
export function App() {
return (
<div>App outline</div>
<SPARouter />
<Toaster />
// spa_router.tsx:
import { LoginPage } from '~/views/login.tsx'
export const AppRoute = Object.freeze({
Index: '/',
Login: '/login',
export function SPARouter() {
return (
component={() => {
return (
<Link href={AppRoute.Login}>login</Link>
<Route path={AppRoute.Login} component={LoginPage} />
<Route path="*" element="[SPA] Not found" />
export function App() {
return (
<div>App outline</div>
<SPARouter />
<Toaster />
// spa_router.tsx:
import { LoginPage } from '~/views/login.tsx'
export const AppRoute = Object.freeze({
Index: '/',
Login: '/login',
export function SPARouter() {
return (
component={() => {
return (
<Link href={AppRoute.Login}>login</Link>
<Route path={AppRoute.Login} component={LoginPage} />
<Route path="*" element="[SPA] Not found" />
Entry html:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="module" src="../pages/index/app-loader.tsx"></script>
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="module" src="../pages/index/app-loader.tsx"></script>
and app_loader:
import { render } from 'solid-js/web'
import { App } from '~/app.tsx'
document.body.innerHTML = ''
render(App, document.body)
import { render } from 'solid-js/web'
import { App } from '~/app.tsx'
document.body.innerHTML = ''
render(App, document.body)
Video with dev and prod modes:
14 replies
Created by foxpro 🐍 on 6/29/2023 in #help
How to use declarations from `vite/client`?
1 replies
Created by foxpro 🐍 on 3/14/2023 in #support
Transform property on all elements
I want to write my JSX with Linaria like this:
class="w-full font-mono"
color: red;
animation: 15s infinite forwards slide;
class="w-full font-mono"
color: red;
animation: 15s infinite forwards slide;
so it transforms to something like
createElement('div', { class: "w-full font-mono" + " " + _linariaGeneratedClass })
createElement('div', { class: "w-full font-mono" + " " + _linariaGeneratedClass })
How can I achieve that? Is it possible to extend solid babel plugin?
11 replies