Created by Lichtfürst on 6/25/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Graduated but still wearing middle-school clothes...
Hey everyone! I'll soon graduate and really feel out of style. I didn't change my outfits since middle school and basically just picked up old things from my older brother, but they're full of holes thanks to our cat and cloth moths. Additionally, they're childish and since I've started working out they're too tight around my chest and shoulder area. I am looking for general outfit tips that don't look too "fake" or artifical. I'm a hard-working, down to earth guy and ready to pay up to 150€ for new outfits, but i'm not willing to pay some brand just because I get to wear their brand logo. I'm not a poser. I'm currently residing in europe inside the EU. I'm fine with both buying in person or online since most stores allow free retours these days. I don't need anything urgently, I just want something in general. I'd be happy to buy second-hand but here, second-hand is so stylistic now that it's more expensive to buy second-hand than buying at discounter cloth stores. It's absolutely insane. I'm literally NPC-sized. Average everything. My BMI is 22. 175cm. I'm open to literally anything. If it looks artifical, but good, so shall it be. There's nothing special I am looking for. Maybe one more thing. I'm from the north so temperatures above 20°C are considered hot to me. I'd rather wear light and "breathable" clothes. Skinny is fine if I can move in it without ripping stuff apart.
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