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Created by goleary on 4/7/2024 in #✋|help
Help with SQLite DB on volume
I have a nextjs app that uses prisma . my DATABASE_URL="file:./data/history.db" When i build I get this log: #12 23.50 4 migrations found in prisma/migrations #12 23.51 Applying migration 20240406185550_init #12 23.51 Applying migration 20240406190746_ #12 23.52 Applying migration 20240406190823_rename #12 23.53 Applying migration 20240406192811_rename_to_celsius #12 23.55 The following migration(s) have been applied: #12 23.55 migrations/ #12 23.55 └─ migration.sql #12 23.55 └─ migration.sql #12 23.55 └─ migration.sql #12 23.55 └─ migration.sql #12 23.55 All migrations have been successfully applied. When I run the app though i get this: The table main.WeatherRecord does not exist in the current database. If the database_url is being interpreted the same both during build and run why would I be getting this error? Is anyone else using SQLite via volume attached to their service?
27 replies
Created by goleary on 1/25/2024 in #✋|help
Build won't start
No description
69 replies
Created by goleary on 1/21/2023 in #✋|help
Can't connect to postgres from inflight wifi
I'm trying to dev my web application locally, but I can't connect to my railway postgres db. I keep getting this error:
Can't reach database server at `containers-us-west-x.railway.app`:`x`

Please make sure your database server is running at `containers-us-west-x.railway.app`:`x`.
Can't reach database server at `containers-us-west-x.railway.app`:`x`

Please make sure your database server is running at `containers-us-west-x.railway.app`:`x`.
I know my db is running because the deployed version of my application works fine. Any idea how I can get around this (aside from switching to a SQLite db/running postgres while deving locally)? Thanks!
5 replies