Created by ksingh on 11/28/2023 in #💬│support
Unable to send multi-recipients email using curl command
Hi, I am trying to send email using curl command. I am able to send email to single recipient but not able to send email to multiple recipients. I am using below command to send email to multiple recipients.
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.novu.co/v1/events/trigger' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey 7743223b3a9c2130eddb21ff33se3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "scogo-link-down-notification",
"to": {
subscriberId: '65659176b4e3ba927d54432',
"overrides": {
"email": {
"to": ['karan@sccc.in','kkkkkk@gmail.com'],
from: 'from@novu.co',
senderName: 'Novu Team'
text: 'text version of email using overrides',
replyTo: 'no-reply@novu.co',
"cc": ['mmmmm@sccc.in'],
"bcc": ['nnnnn@sccc.in'],
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.novu.co/v1/events/trigger' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey 7743223b3a9c2130eddb21ff33se3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "scogo-link-down-notification",
"to": {
subscriberId: '65659176b4e3ba927d54432',
"overrides": {
"email": {
"to": ['karan@sccc.in','kkkkkk@gmail.com'],
from: 'from@novu.co',
senderName: 'Novu Team'
text: 'text version of email using overrides',
replyTo: 'no-reply@novu.co',
"cc": ['mmmmm@sccc.in'],
"bcc": ['nnnnn@sccc.in'],
32 replies