Web API model classes
I'm coding a webshop using ASP.NET Core Web API for the backend and Next.js for the frontend. I'm designing an Entity Relation Diagram (ER-diagram), but I'm not sure if I need a user class, since the customers of the webshop don't have to authenticate themselves in order to purchase stuff. I'm thinking of configuring some local storage in the frontend, but I was wondering what impact that would have on the ER-diagram.
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Using Web API with Next.js
Version: .NET 7
I have a Web API with basic CRUD operations connected to a MSSQL database. It works in both Postman and the SwaggerUI, but I can't get it to work with my frontend in Next.js. I've tried implementing CORS in program.cs, which doesn't work.
Any suggestions to what could be wrong? Might be that I didn't implement CORS correctly. Could also be a problem with my frontend and not backend.
5 replies
❔ Stuck with a problem in Blazor, ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
Github repo:
I'm stuck with my Blazor application and I think it got something to do with my backend. I see errors with status code 500, when inspecting element on the Blazor app. I also get a status code 500 when testing the API on Postman and the following message: "System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type...". Btw I'm using a container for mongo and mongo express
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