C#13mo ago

❔ Microservice architecture

I have a monolith ASP.NET Core web app, that I wanna convert to a microservice architecture, just for practicing. It's a simple workout logger app, where you register your fitness workouts. With a list of exercises, you can choose which ones you did, and enter the amount of sets, reps and weight for each exercise. A workout can have multiple exercises, and an exercise can belong to multiple workouts, which creates this composite table. This DB design has worked well for my web app, but I'm struggling to figure out how to make it work with the new architecture, and therefore wanna ask for help. I don't know if I should split 'Workout' and 'Exercise' into their own services, or keep them together. If I split them, then I don't know what to do with the composite table. For the tech stack, I'm thinking of coding the services in ASP.NET Core, and use RabbitMQ to make them communicate with each other. What is your experiences with this? Thank you. And please ask, if I left any details out
5 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User13mo ago
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Salubris13mo ago
Viz? I’m planning on using SQL Server for each microservice
Unknown User
Unknown User13mo ago
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Salubris13mo ago
Oh, drawsql.app Way Better and easier tool to create db viz than draw.io imo
Accord13mo ago
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