Gerard Pollo Rebozado Tactico 🐣
•Created by Gerard Pollo Rebozado Tactico 🐣 on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Problem when opening minecraft
I made a server with this modpack but one friend cant open the game because it says an error about graphics, this only happens if she open the game with the modpack but not when playing 1.19.2 without mod or any other version also this doesnt happens with other modpacks. She plays with integrated graphics, does this modpack has any mods the require dedicated gpu or something?
5 replies
•Created by Gerard Pollo Rebozado Tactico 🐣 on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Help with valhelsia server not starting
I just created and it doenst start these are the logs:
19 replies