Created by nitinkaware on 7/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Performance Issue with Dashboard Filter Button (Action Modal)
Filament V3's new feature allows filtering widget data using an action modal. When I click the filter button, an ajax call is sent to the backend, triggering all queries for Widgets, Charts, etc. Now those dashboard queries are really expensive and it delay in opening the modal. Not just that but when closing the modal without applying filters still triggers another backend call executing the same expensive queries. This makes the filter button almost unusable and it isa poor user experience, and sometimes feels like nothing is happening. At this point, I am not sure if it’s more of a Livewire type if issue of just a filament issue which can be solved by custom filter implementation. What do you suggest? In my opinion, apart from actual click on Apply button, those quries should not be executed.
1 replies
Created by nitinkaware on 4/28/2023 in #❓┊help
Is there any way to ask user confirmation before file is removed from FileUpload field?
I did not find any way to to ask the user a confirmation pop up when user click on X icon in the form. Is there any way to do so?
12 replies
Created by nitinkaware on 3/17/2023 in #❓┊help
How to disable create button when user click on it to prevent duplicate record creation?
Hey guys, is there way to disable create button when user click on it? Sometime the user clicks on it two times and two records gets created.
6 replies