•Created by Selkier on 1/4/2025 in #questions
Oracle Cloud SSH Timeout
Hello, my Oracle Cloud free tier VM doesn't respond to any pings at all, I can't SSH into it, I can't really do shit. It's just kind of frozen. It's been stuck like this for months, for further context if you want you can see the moment it stopped working at if it helps. Thank you so much in advance!
25 replies
•Created by Selkier on 9/22/2024 in #questions
Setting up SimpleVoiceChat w/ Oracle Servers
Hello, I'm currently trying to set up SimpleVoiceChat (via Oracle's free tier servers) but I honestly have no idea how to open the voice chat port 😅
Thanks in advance
336 replies
•Created by Selkier on 6/20/2023 in #questions
Help with accessing server through a oracle VM
Continued from , I'm a bit stupid
120 replies