filtersForm with action button
i create a simple report page with filter form.
The filters work properly but how do I update the filters with an action button instead of the simple change event?
And How do i create a reset button that reset all filters?
14 replies
Table Widget - query with join
I have simple Table widget with custom query that use JOIN.
I can't use relations but need to use JOIN function
How can I call join fields in columns?
TextColumn::make('activity_group.activity_id') in code below
4 replies
Best pratices for reporting page
I would like to create a reporting page (tables, graphs etc) for my application.
Reading the documentation I saw that I can use widgets.
What is the best practice for creating a custom or resource page that uses both tables and widgets (StatsOverviewWidget or ChartWidget) sharing the same filters?
Thanks always
35 replies
Action in custom page
Have a simple button in blade view
in my custom page, function challenge() call an action
when try to click button get error
Method Filament\Notifications\Actions\Action::form does not exist.
any suggest?
23 replies
Filament Importer skip import row if certain conditions is true
I create a simple importer that import only one column "email".
The importer works properly, now i try to stop import row if email has already been imported
I try to use beforeValidate hooks, but it doesn't seem to work.
alternative to $this->action->halt(); ???
thank you always for your availability
4 replies