Created by Bocorbojon on 11/1/2023 in #💬│support
Self-hosted isntance of mongodb using 200% of CPU when sending ~1500 notifications through topic
So the recommendation is to add AUTO_CREATE_INDEXES=true in the .env file, or to not add it?
8 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 7/12/2023 in #💬│support
Migrate notifications from MySQL database to Novu
Hello, I'm back with another question. Is there any way to send the trigger event with a predefined creation date? It would be another solution to have my old SQL notifications in the Novu notification drawer, with the original date they were sent to the user.
12 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 7/12/2023 in #💬│support
Migrate notifications from MySQL database to Novu
Already triggered notifications. The table in our database has the columns of "user_id" to indicate who is receiving the notification and "text", for the content. So we have a notification like "User 1234 approved your change", directed to user 3456. We then show the notification in our frontend by fetching the notifications table from our database. I would want to migrate this notification to Novu, so it appears in the Novu notification center of the user 3456.
12 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/14/2023 in #💬│support
Send large HTML as payload in the trigger event
Yes, I am using the cloud version. One of the failing transactions is 632c2ab4-b1d8-4481-a173-f6ddf2f8cc39
19 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/12/2023 in #💬│support
How to add a feed to the in-app step of a template from the API?
It worked. If I send the feedId through the create template endpoint it sets the feed in the in-app step. Thanks!
14 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/14/2023 in #💬│support
Send large HTML as payload in the trigger event
Hello, working on the same thing today I found out I was all mixed up. That error, the one of the 3500 bytes long, appears in the case that I have a workflow with push step configured and I send a whole HTML as payload. So, to clarify on the problem I have, it is this one: I have a Novu workflow that has push, in-app and email steps configured. My push template has two handlebars variables, {{property_type}} and {{operation_type}}, and the email template gets only one triple handlebar variable, `{{{html_catchment_card}}}. When I send a notification through the trigger event with payload what happens is that the HTML string I am sending in the html_catchment_card variable is far longer than 3500 bytes, and the email channel can handle it just fine, but the push channel finds an error since it isn't capable of handling more than 3500 bytes, even if that channel isn't actually using the html_catchment_card variable. So, the question is, is there a way to send the html_catchment_card variable just to the email channel? Maybe with the overrides object of the trigger event, but as far as I know, it doesn't allow overriding the payload.
19 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/12/2023 in #💬│support
How to add a feed to the in-app step of a template from the API?
Okay, will try it and see how it goes
14 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/12/2023 in #💬│support
How to add a feed to the in-app step of a template from the API?
14 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/8/2023 in #💬│support
How to know if trigger event failed?
Another thing, how can I use the transactionId as a filter?
8 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/8/2023 in #💬│support
How to know if trigger event failed?
You implementing a retry system on you backend would indeed be a better solution, probably more robust, since you already have support for things like delaying notifications. Also, thinking about it quickly and superficially, right now I don't know if I would need to design some special approach with the broadcast-type notifications, nor if I will have any complications with them .
8 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/8/2023 in #💬│support
How to know if trigger event failed?
Let me explain again to see if it's clearer. Let's suppose I am using Novu with the OneSignal integration, and I have a template with two steps: push and in-app, in that order. I configured the template so that, if the push step fails, the whole transaction fails. I want it to work that way so, in case of whatever error on the side of OneSignal, the in-app notification is cancelled. So, ideally, when I do the OneSignal.trigger, I would want to know if the transaction was completed successfully. Though, I guess that couldn't be done because of the case that the user has the app closed, right? Your backend delays the actual sending of the notification and the "acknowledged" response is like saying "I received your notification request, but I haven't necessarily sent it yet". Tell me if I am undertanding it correctly. The other alternative is checking the actual notification through the API endpoint to actually know if it was sent correctly or not. If it wasn't, I would retry the trigger event in my backend, with a script working on another thread, and keep retrying until both OneSignal and Novu sent the notification correctly to the user.
8 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/8/2023 in #💬│support
How to know if trigger event failed?
Let me give some details on why I need to be able to know which transactions were succesful and which ones weren't. I want to implement a retry system to guarantee eventual consistency among OneSignal, Novu and my database, and I was planning on having a notifications table with the transaction IDs generated by Novu and then, for every failed transaction, send it again by means of a background worker. I just found out about the getNotifications endpoint, but that one gives you all the notifications and you have to check which ones are pending, and with increasing number of notifications, it would take too long. Another thing I thought of was to use the getNotification endpoint, but that one takes in a notificationId, not the transactionId, and I don't know where to get that id from. So, can you point me towards the right direction on how to achieve this, which endpoint would be appropriate?
8 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/6/2023 in #💬│support
context.stylis is not a function, error with the React Novu package
I solved it by removing react-select and novu, then installing novu with the --save flag and afterwards, installing react-select. Now, the top-level emotion/utils is version 1.2.1 and novu is using it.
6 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/6/2023 in #💬│support
context.stylis is not a function, error with the React Novu package
In case anyone else runs into this issue, the problem was a conflicting package which was using the emotion utils just as the Novu Notification Center one. I am using React Select, and React Select was declaring the emotion/utils package globally, the version 0.8.2, and then, Novu was declaring a higher version within its own dependencies, version 1.2.1, as far as I can remember. The problem, it seems, was that the Novu package was using the top level dependency instead of the one it resolved, so it wasn't using the emotion/utils version it needed.
6 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/6/2023 in #💬│support
context.stylis is not a function, error with the React Novu package
6 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/1/2023 in #💬│support
Importing users in bulk (CSV or something like that)
10 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 6/1/2023 in #💬│support
Importing users in bulk (CSV or something like that)
@emilpearce where can I find documentation of the importSubscribers method? It doesn't seem to be on the documentation webpage nor on the API reference.
10 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 5/31/2023 in #💬│support
What are the steps to integrate Novu with OneSignal?
By the way, thanks for the quick support.
18 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 5/31/2023 in #💬│support
What are the steps to integrate Novu with OneSignal?
No description
18 replies
Created by Bocorbojon on 5/31/2023 in #💬│support
What are the steps to integrate Novu with OneSignal?
Ah, alright. I didn't know that since I am only using it for web push, for a PWA I am building. Speaking of which, does the integration support web push? I guess there shouldn't be an issue since for both types of push notification the same method of the OneSignal API is used.
18 replies