Created by Kleidukos on 10/8/2023 in #help
❔ Creating WinUi3 app for MSIX installer
When i run my app in vs everything works fine and my app is installed on my pc. I want a exe file as a single file that install my app like running my package app in vs. Is this possible ?
5 replies
Created by Kleidukos on 8/22/2023 in #help
❔ Call base method in multiple inheritance
Example of what i have:
public class A
public virtual void Foo()
Console.Write("Hello ");

public class B : A
public override void Foo()

public class C : B
public override void Foo()
public class A
public virtual void Foo()
Console.Write("Hello ");

public class B : A
public override void Foo()

public class C : B
public override void Foo()
When i call C#Foo() i get "Hello World!" but i only want to call the base method of A so my console result would be "Hello !" I hope you guys can understand what i want. How can i doing this
43 replies
Created by Kleidukos on 8/7/2023 in #help
❔ How can i move one item in list view with drag and drop
I have a list with my items. I want to move items with drag and drop to reorder the list. How can i implement this ? I is a really great help when you can explain how it works, the rest i can solve on my own.
9 replies
Created by Kleidukos on 6/17/2023 in #help
❔ system.accessviolationexception: attempted to read or write protected memory
I created an c++ dll to call this -> https://pastes.dev/MIdnPDHsBs from C# But i get this exception
system.accessviolationexception: "attempted to read or write protected memory. this is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."
What i am doing wrong and how can i solve this Should i try to code this in C# ?
29 replies