CrossBlade V9 -> CrossBlade v10 Compatibiltiy
Type: [Module] Short Description: A port of this older V9 module to V10 Long Description: The creator had worked on V10 compatibility but never finished it, This module allows for music to seamlessly crossfade audio and would be great for us users in V10 to use it, once more. If possible, I request that this is also accessable to other users looking for this as it's a very neat module. Budget: 100$ (Open to negotiation) Module: https://github.com/Elemental-Re/crossblade Note: You can take your time with the commission, I just really think that this should be introduced to modern FoundryVTT users as it's something really simple sounding, but great to have. (If I don't respond instantly, I will try to get back to you as soon as possible since I have to work.)
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