Created by craz (NEW ACCOUNT) on 8/7/2023 in #questions
Command blocks are confusing me
hey. is there a way to make an (for example) repetition command block by distance affect two players at the same time? I have two command blocks. one has something like execute @p[distance=..20] if scoreboard blackmusic matches 1700 run playsound blackmarket:music @s ~ ~ ~ 0.5 the other one is similar but it adds to the timer the problem is when i have two players in the same place it wont affect both another problem i have is making tp command blocks it affects the nearest player not the one who pressed it.
24 replies
Created by craz (NEW ACCOUNT) on 7/20/2023 in #questions
¿Any mod to disable specific mobs/items?
I want to know if there's a mod that allows me to disable items/mobs on fabric. (1.18.2)
8 replies