BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 3/1/2025 in #help
Route based access control
Oh, I got it my bad
5 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 3/1/2025 in #help
Route based access control
Thanks! But this is not exactly what I meant, I want to create protected rotues, like the '/dashboard' should only be accessible for logged in users, and '/admin' should only be accessible for admin role users.
5 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 2/21/2025 in #help
ngrok for webhooks
Alright, but i'm running ngrok with concurrently, so I would like to be able to use localhost:3000 and the ngrok url as well.
4 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
I barely found anything in the docs about how to structure an optimal middleware.
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
Could I contact you in private for not so better-auth connected questions about NextJS?
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
Understandable, great to know!
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
But does the cookie method have any disadvantages?
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
If I find issues with performance for these routes, I will implement what you adviced
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
I don't find performance issues just yet but I want to implement metrics somehow to actually see if the performance of the page.
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
Because performance is what I need mostly
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
So that's why I wanted to know if there's a better way of implementing this
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
I'm doing my Uni thesis, and that's what I need it for, but I need my app to be insanely fast (at least the teacher should think that it is)
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
Later I will have buttons that will have an action, but won't work without sessions. I think I don't need the middleware for that.
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
I think this is all for now
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
Well I'll have the dashboard which is the user's settings page. I'll have the admin routes for admin users, and the sign in page is no longer accessible if the user is logged in.
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
This is my middleware.ts for now. It gets the job done, but I don't know if I did anything that's not supposed to be
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
import { betterFetch } from '@better-fetch/fetch';
import { type NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

import type { auth } from '@/lib/auth';

// Define Session type based on auth module's session type
type Session = typeof auth.$Infer.Session;

* Middleware to protect routes by checking if user is authenticated
* @param request - The incoming Next.js request object
* @returns NextResponse with either redirect or next()
export default async function authMiddleware(request: NextRequest) {
// Fetch the current session by making API call to auth endpoint
const { data: session } = await betterFetch<Session>(
baseURL: request.nextUrl.origin,
headers: {
// Get the cookie from the request headers
cookie: request.headers.get('cookie') || '',

// If no session exists, redirect to sign-in page
const isSignInRoute = request.nextUrl.pathname === '/sign-in';
if (!session && !isSignInRoute) {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/sign-in', request.url));

if (session && isSignInRoute) {
// Redirect signed-in users attempting to access sign-in page
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/', request.url));
// Check if route requires admin access
const isAdminRoute = request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/admin');
if (isAdminRoute && session?.user.role !== 'admin') {
// Redirect non-admin users attempting to access admin routes
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/', request.url));

// Otherwise allow request to continue

// Configure which routes this middleware should run on
export const config = {
matcher: ['/dashboard', '/admin/:path*', '/sign-in'],
import { betterFetch } from '@better-fetch/fetch';
import { type NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

import type { auth } from '@/lib/auth';

// Define Session type based on auth module's session type
type Session = typeof auth.$Infer.Session;

* Middleware to protect routes by checking if user is authenticated
* @param request - The incoming Next.js request object
* @returns NextResponse with either redirect or next()
export default async function authMiddleware(request: NextRequest) {
// Fetch the current session by making API call to auth endpoint
const { data: session } = await betterFetch<Session>(
baseURL: request.nextUrl.origin,
headers: {
// Get the cookie from the request headers
cookie: request.headers.get('cookie') || '',

// If no session exists, redirect to sign-in page
const isSignInRoute = request.nextUrl.pathname === '/sign-in';
if (!session && !isSignInRoute) {
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/sign-in', request.url));

if (session && isSignInRoute) {
// Redirect signed-in users attempting to access sign-in page
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/', request.url));
// Check if route requires admin access
const isAdminRoute = request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/admin');
if (isAdminRoute && session?.user.role !== 'admin') {
// Redirect non-admin users attempting to access admin routes
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/', request.url));

// Otherwise allow request to continue

// Configure which routes this middleware should run on
export const config = {
matcher: ['/dashboard', '/admin/:path*', '/sign-in'],
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
It complitely ruined the terminate session-like stuff
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
The commented part
66 replies
BABetter Auth
Created by palicz on 1/20/2025 in #help
Protected routes
No description
66 replies