Created by BataBoom on 7/10/2024 in #❓┊help
Manually bundling Livewire and Alpine?
I'm using Livewire V3 and using Livewire V2 paths app/Http/Livewire. I'm also manually bundling livewire and alpine using vite on resources/js/livewire.js.. I've been having difficulty on this particular project to get Livewire working with Filament. I've just got it working though if I enable 'inject_assets' as true in the Livewire config. If set to false it doesnt attempt to load livewire assets even, and changing my layout files didn't change anything. Has anyone got a guide to manually bundle livewire with filament? I've looked through the docs/etc to no avail so figure I post. Thanks much!
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Created by BataBoom on 2/6/2024 in #❓┊help
New Install Dashboard only loads Navigation
No description
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Created by BataBoom on 5/19/2023 in #❓┊help
Publish Assets
When I installed Filament six days ago everything worked a charm, then I completed the rest of the project and not sure how but now /filament/assets/app.js isn't appearing anymore. I could make /public/filament/assets and copy it over from vendor that does work, but my OCD wouldn't allow that. I am using laravel mix, and registering the CSS theme from AppServiceProvider, per the documentation. Though I don't see anything regarding the js files. (core, +plugins). I would like to keep the JS separate from the rest of the app, so changing the core path in config isn't ideal. Any help on how I can figure this out is greatly appreciated!
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