Created by herpmcderpin on 2/26/2025 in #❓┊help
Form builder - trying to create/edit relationship with pivot
Hello all! I'm trying to, as the title states, edit a relationship with a pivot table. Here are the relevant code snippets: Artist: public function events() { return $this->belongsToMany(MusicEvent::class,'music_event_artist','artist_id','music_event_id') ->withPivot("id","artist_id","music_event_id") ->using(EventArtist::class); } MusicEvent: public function artists() { return $this->belongsToMany(Artist::class,'music_event_artist','music_event_id','artist_id') ->withPivot("id","artist_id","music_event_id") ->using(EventArtist::class); } EventArtist: class EventArtist extends Pivot { public $table = "music_event_artist"; protected $fillable = ['artist_id','music_event_id']; } ArtistsRelationManager: protected static string $relationship = 'artists'; return $form ->schema([ Forms\Components\Select::make('artists') ->label('Event Artist') ->options(Artist::orderBy('name')->get()->pluck('name','id')) ->searchable(), ]); It then attempts to CRUD an Artist object instead of EventArtist (although the form data isn't used in the query.) Duplicate entry '' for key 'code' insert into artists () values () In tinker, things work as expected. $e = MusicEvent::find(1234); = App\Models\MusicEvent {#7128 id: 1234, description: "Test data here", artists: Collection {#7106 all: [ App\Models\Artist (etc), pivot: App\Models\EventArtist... }, ], }, } $e2 = Artist::find($e->artists[0]->id); = App\Models\Artist {#7108 id: 6789, code: "jado", name: "Jane Doe", } And the reverse (artist events) query works as expected too. Hopefully all this should adequately describe the environment. Any help would be very greatly appreciated!
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