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Created by kalempster on 6/9/2024 in #❓-help
Subscription example not behaving like it should
Hey, I've recently wanted to make a subscription route and I've stumbled upon a problem. In the documentation it's said that you should return an observable with a callback that is triggered immediately. That however is not happening. I don't know if I don't understand this correctly of if the example is broken. I'm using [email protected] with @trpc/[email protected].
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { initTRPC } from "@trpc/server";
import { observable } from "@trpc/server/observable";
import { z } from "zod";

// create a global event emitter (could be replaced by redis, etc)
const ee = new EventEmitter();

const t = initTRPC.create();

export const appRouter = t.router({
onAdd: t.procedure.subscription(() => {
// return an `observable` with a callback which is triggered immediately
return observable((emit) => {

const onAdd = (data: any) => {
// emit data to client

// trigger `onAdd()` when `add` is triggered in our event emitter
ee.on("add", onAdd);

// unsubscribe function when client disconnects or stops subscribing
return () => {
ee.off("add", onAdd);
add: t.procedure
id: z.string().uuid().optional(),
text: z.string().min(1),
.mutation(async (opts) => {
const post = { ...opts.input }; /* [..] add to db */

ee.emit("add", post);
return post;

import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { initTRPC } from "@trpc/server";
import { observable } from "@trpc/server/observable";
import { z } from "zod";

// create a global event emitter (could be replaced by redis, etc)
const ee = new EventEmitter();

const t = initTRPC.create();

export const appRouter = t.router({
onAdd: t.procedure.subscription(() => {
// return an `observable` with a callback which is triggered immediately
return observable((emit) => {

const onAdd = (data: any) => {
// emit data to client

// trigger `onAdd()` when `add` is triggered in our event emitter
ee.on("add", onAdd);

// unsubscribe function when client disconnects or stops subscribing
return () => {
ee.off("add", onAdd);
add: t.procedure
id: z.string().uuid().optional(),
text: z.string().min(1),
.mutation(async (opts) => {
const post = { ...opts.input }; /* [..] add to db */

ee.emit("add", post);
return post;

The console.log at the end prints [] and I thought the callback is triggered immediately. Any help would be appreciated.
4 replies
Created by kalempster on 10/21/2023 in #support
Global store in Solid Start app
Hey, I recently thought to myself that I haven't really done a proper e-commerce app yet that would fill my portfolio. So I decided I would make an e-commerce app with a little bit of a challenge, basically instead of using any SPA framework (React, Solid etc.) I wanted to try Solid Start. At first the experience was great (create-jd-app ❤️ ) however I wanted to implement a cart for the app. I read the Solid Start docs however I was discouraged on using global state. I remember using zustand a lot for any global state applications where I had to synchronise some data between components. And that begs the question, how should I implement a reactive cart, that would influence my navbar (basically showing the number of items in the cart) and would basically be synchronised around my app?
2 replies
Created by kalempster on 7/25/2023 in #support
ReactSVG like component in Solid
Hey, I recently was remaking my portfolio website in astro with some solid.js. I wanted to make an interactive carousel which basically displays some items. The problem is I need to dynamically get the SVG's (vite-plugin-solid-svg doesn't work in my case). I remember I used react-svg for that thing that exposed a ReactSVG component with a src prop. I would like to know if this is possible in solid, and if it is, has someone already done it?
5 replies
Created by kalempster on 3/4/2023 in #❓-help
Error types in catch block
Hey! I have a mutation that I want to catch if the procedure throws an error, I'd like to get the code of the error ("UNAUTHORIZED", "FORBIDDEN" etc.) but TRCPClientError doesn't have full types (basically I can't access the code property). I saw a generic that you can pass to the error but I don't know what to pass as the generic to get the types.
try {
await mutateAsync(id);
} catch (error) {
if(error instanceof TRPCClientError<>){
//Process the error here if unauthorized regenerate accessToken and retry
try {
await mutateAsync(id);
} catch (error) {
if(error instanceof TRPCClientError<>){
//Process the error here if unauthorized regenerate accessToken and retry
Is there any way to do so?
3 replies
Created by kalempster on 3/1/2023 in #support
Animate on scroll in solid
Hey! I've been going through google search after search and I couldn't find any reasonable way to implement animation on scroll (basically if the element should be visible we fade it in). I've tried some interaction observer along with motion one but couldn't work out a solution. Is there any easy way to do so?
7 replies