Created by Yukonヌ on 11/26/2024 in #help
Getting Id to update with the index of my list
How do I get my ID property to update with my list of objects after a user rents a book, right now if user picks 1, the next iterated list will have book with ID 2 at first index, i want the ID to change so it matches the index of the book so its clear for the user that the input corresponds with the displayed book. Program: https://hatebin.com/kirywteyov Class: https://hatebin.com/eoylrqdzsz
1 replies
Created by Yukonヌ on 11/22/2024 in #help
I have a list of students and their grades that I want to sort based on grades
After user inputs name and grades of students, I want to be able to sort and output them with the students with highest grades first. I'm not sure how to go about this using a list and grades ranging from F-A+ student class: https://hatebin.com/csfqzfdnyi program: https://hatebin.com/ahasrqnvmz
12 replies
Created by Yukonヌ on 11/18/2024 in #help
Get another writeline on second itteration
Im storing a username and password (fejk ones) in an array and using this for-loop i want the second pass to display "Pick a password", how do i go about this? string[] user = new string[2]; for (int i = 0; i < user.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Pick a username: "); user[i] = Console.ReadLine();
257 replies