Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
I also took the opportunity to slightly improve the types inference and provide the same options as component-register's compose method with the simplicity of use of the register method
type MyProps = {
props: string

props: "definition"
} as MyProps,
// Option object that is passed directly to component-register's register function
// so it has the same options, with the addition of the `with` option:
with: [
// List of functions that would have been passed to compose() otherwise
// withSolid included by default
(comp) => comp
})((props, { element }) => {
// `props` inferred as MyProps automatically

element.addPropertyChangedCallback(() => { })
element.addReleaseCallback(() => { })

return (
My Component
type MyProps = {
props: string

props: "definition"
} as MyProps,
// Option object that is passed directly to component-register's register function
// so it has the same options, with the addition of the `with` option:
with: [
// List of functions that would have been passed to compose() otherwise
// withSolid included by default
(comp) => comp
})((props, { element }) => {
// `props` inferred as MyProps automatically

element.addPropertyChangedCallback(() => { })
element.addReleaseCallback(() => { })

return (
My Component
15 replies
Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
For the final solution I came with something that works quite well I made that wrapper around the compose + register methods (which passes down all logic to the default function, so it has the same features + automatically injects withSolid for convenience + pushes tags to registeredComponents)
import {
register as componentRegister,
type ComponentType,
type RegisterOptions,
type PropsDefinitionInput,
} from "component-register";
import { withSolid } from "solid-element";

type TRegister = <T>(
tag: string,
props: PropsDefinitionInput<T>,
options?: RegisterOptions & {
with?: ((C: ComponentType<any>) => ComponentType<any>)[];
) => (ComponentType: ComponentType<T>) => any;

const registeredComponents: string[] = [];

const register: TRegister = (tag, props, options) => {
if (!tag || !tag.includes("-")) {
throw new TypeError(
`Web component tag "${tag}" is invalid. It must be a string containing a dash.`,

if (!registeredComponents.includes(tag)) {
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
console.warn(`Web component "${tag}" has been registered multiple times.`);

return compose(
componentRegister(tag, props, options),
...(() => {
if (!options?.with) return [withSolid];
if (options.with.includes(withSolid)) return options.with;
return [withSolid, ...options.with];

export { register, registeredComponents };
import {
register as componentRegister,
type ComponentType,
type RegisterOptions,
type PropsDefinitionInput,
} from "component-register";
import { withSolid } from "solid-element";

type TRegister = <T>(
tag: string,
props: PropsDefinitionInput<T>,
options?: RegisterOptions & {
with?: ((C: ComponentType<any>) => ComponentType<any>)[];
) => (ComponentType: ComponentType<T>) => any;

const registeredComponents: string[] = [];

const register: TRegister = (tag, props, options) => {
if (!tag || !tag.includes("-")) {
throw new TypeError(
`Web component tag "${tag}" is invalid. It must be a string containing a dash.`,

if (!registeredComponents.includes(tag)) {
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
console.warn(`Web component "${tag}" has been registered multiple times.`);

return compose(
componentRegister(tag, props, options),
...(() => {
if (!options?.with) return [withSolid];
if (options.with.includes(withSolid)) return options.with;
return [withSolid, ...options.with];

export { register, registeredComponents };
Which is then used this way in my <SafeHtml> comp
if (fragment && registeredComponents.length) {
const registeredComponentsSelector = registeredComponents.join(",");
const owner = getOwner();
const customElements = fragment.querySelectorAll(

for (const customElement of customElements) {
(customElement as any)._$owner = owner;
if (fragment && registeredComponents.length) {
const registeredComponentsSelector = registeredComponents.join(",");
const owner = getOwner();
const customElements = fragment.querySelectorAll(

for (const customElement of customElements) {
(customElement as any)._$owner = owner;
15 replies
Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
So the answer is somewhat disappointing but Ryan provided a workaround that did the trick You may find what I came around with here: https://github.com/solidjs/solid/issues/1976#issuecomment-1846801576
15 replies
Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
15 replies
Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
Ok I could setup a minimal example of the issue in both cases Will open an issue but include it here for ref too
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { createContext, useContext } from "solid-js";
import { customElement } from "solid-element";

const context = createContext(false);

customElement("my-component", {}, (props, { element }) => {
const ctx = useContext(context);
console.log("ctx", ctx);
return <div>Can access context: {ctx ? "yes" : "no"}</div>

customElement("my-provider", {}, (props, { element }) => {
return (
<context.Provider value={true}>
<slot />

function MyProvider(props: any) {
return (
<context.Provider value={true}>

() => (<div>
Variant with a web component-based context
<div innerHTML="<my-component />" />

<hr />

Variant with a default Solid context
<div innerHTML="<my-component />" />

<hr />

Please note that using the web component in the JSX directly does work …
<my-component />
… with both methods
<my-component />
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { createContext, useContext } from "solid-js";
import { customElement } from "solid-element";

const context = createContext(false);

customElement("my-component", {}, (props, { element }) => {
const ctx = useContext(context);
console.log("ctx", ctx);
return <div>Can access context: {ctx ? "yes" : "no"}</div>

customElement("my-provider", {}, (props, { element }) => {
return (
<context.Provider value={true}>
<slot />

function MyProvider(props: any) {
return (
<context.Provider value={true}>

() => (<div>
Variant with a web component-based context
<div innerHTML="<my-component />" />

<hr />

Variant with a default Solid context
<div innerHTML="<my-component />" />

<hr />

Please note that using the web component in the JSX directly does work …
<my-component />
… with both methods
<my-component />
15 replies
Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
Also, worth mentionning the User context depends on another context (defined the same way):
function createUser() {
const Navigation = useNavigation();

class User {
// A few functions using Navigation

return User;
function createUser() {
const Navigation = useNavigation();

class User {
// A few functions using Navigation

return User;
with this at the top level of the app's tree
15 replies
Created by apademide on 12/6/2023 in #support
useContext() from custom element
Additional context With the implementation of the User class trimmed, this is the context definition
import { createContext, useContext, type JSX } from "solid-js";

type TUserProviderProps = {
children: JSX.Element;

const UserContext = createContext<ReturnType<typeof createUser>>();

export function UserProvider(props: TUserProviderProps) {
return (
<UserContext.Provider value={createUser(props)}>

export function useUser() {
return useContext(UserContext);

function createUser(props) {
class User {


return User;
import { createContext, useContext, type JSX } from "solid-js";

type TUserProviderProps = {
children: JSX.Element;

const UserContext = createContext<ReturnType<typeof createUser>>();

export function UserProvider(props: TUserProviderProps) {
return (
<UserContext.Provider value={createUser(props)}>

export function useUser() {
return useContext(UserContext);

function createUser(props) {
class User {


return User;
15 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
I don't really know, I think it's a bug ?
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
i believe it's related to web components handling cause of their custom names ?
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
A workaround I found is to wrap <item-name>…</item-name> in a <div>
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
Bringing this post back to life as I still couldn't find a fix
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
actually if you want the whole code base, here's the repo: https://github.com/AUAUST/clients-nkco-weltkern-frontend/tree/homepage the erroring component is in ./src/components/layouts/grid/Item.tsx
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
I didn't manage to debug that as it only appears when using the frontend router; otherwise the component works as expected
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
removing only item-pricing or RarityIcon doesn't change anything: if i have either one of them, i get the error
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
item-pricing is a web component, not a Solid one i case it matters
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
managed to remove the error by removing that part:
<Show when={props.price.trend && props.price.trend !== "neutral"}>
<span class={`trend ${props.price.trend}`}>
{props.price.trend === "up" ? "↑" : "↓"}&nbsp;
<span class="price">
<span class="currency">
{formattedPrice(props.price.amount, props.price.currency)}
<small> or </small>
<span class="kernings">
<RarityIcon rarity={props.rarity} />
<Show when={props.price.trend && props.price.trend !== "neutral"}>
<span class={`trend ${props.price.trend}`}>
{props.price.trend === "up" ? "↑" : "↓"}&nbsp;
<span class="price">
<span class="currency">
{formattedPrice(props.price.amount, props.price.currency)}
<small> or </small>
<span class="kernings">
<RarityIcon rarity={props.rarity} />
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
this is the component's code:
/*trimmed imports cause message is too long*/

export default function Item(props: GridLayout.ItemProps) {
function formattedPrice(amount: number, currency: string) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat("fr-CH", {
style: "currency",
currencyDisplay: "narrowSymbol",
const kerningsFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("fr-CH", {
style: "decimal",
useGrouping: true,
function formattedKernings(kernings: number) {
return kerningsFormatter.format(kernings);

return (
<A href="/hello">
<StatusIcon remaining={props.remaining} />

<img src={props.image} alt="" />

<p class="author">{props.author}</p>
<p class="title">{props.title}</p>
<p class="publisher">{props.publisher}</p>

<hr />
<Show when={props.price.trend && props.price.trend !== "neutral"}>
<span class={`trend ${props.price.trend}`}>
{props.price.trend === "up" ? "↑" : "↓"}&nbsp;
<span class="price">
<span class="currency">
{formattedPrice(props.price.amount, props.price.currency)}
<small> or </small>
<span class="kernings">
<RarityIcon rarity={props.rarity} />
/*trimmed imports cause message is too long*/

export default function Item(props: GridLayout.ItemProps) {
function formattedPrice(amount: number, currency: string) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat("fr-CH", {
style: "currency",
currencyDisplay: "narrowSymbol",
const kerningsFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("fr-CH", {
style: "decimal",
useGrouping: true,
function formattedKernings(kernings: number) {
return kerningsFormatter.format(kernings);

return (
<A href="/hello">
<StatusIcon remaining={props.remaining} />

<img src={props.image} alt="" />

<p class="author">{props.author}</p>
<p class="title">{props.title}</p>
<p class="publisher">{props.publisher}</p>

<hr />
<Show when={props.price.trend && props.price.trend !== "neutral"}>
<span class={`trend ${props.price.trend}`}>
{props.price.trend === "up" ? "↑" : "↓"}&nbsp;
<span class="price">
<span class="currency">
{formattedPrice(props.price.amount, props.price.currency)}
<small> or </small>
<span class="kernings">
<RarityIcon rarity={props.rarity} />
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
14 replies
Created by apademide on 4/11/2023 in #support
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
This is the component that causes the error.
14 replies