Created by Demens on 8/30/2024 in #💬・get-help
[Solved][Synology Directory Server]
Hey all - is someone able to post his dockercompose with a synology Ldap connection? Because i tried to figured it out why homarr dont want to connect. But i have no idea. My Stuff: Synology Box with running Synology Active Directory. Homarr Latest Version on Docker. environment: AUTH_PROVIDER: ldap,credentials AUTH_LDAP_URI: ldap://domainip:389 AUTH_LDAP_BASE: dc=domain,dc=local #Same as LLDAP_LDAP_BASE_DN AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN: cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=local AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD: adminpass #Same as LLDAP_LDAP_USER_PASS AUTH_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE: sub AUTH_LDAP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE: uid But it dont wanna connect. So if someone has a working compose settings what ever . to connect to a synology server. it will help a lot.
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