Created by Millennium Falcon Rectenna on 1/21/2025 in #💬・get-help
Remove header on phone
.mantine-AppShell-header { display: none; } mantine-AppShell-main { padding-top: 0px; }
5 replies
Created by Millennium Falcon Rectenna on 1/21/2025 in #💬・get-help
Remove header on phone
Hey, you need to set display: none to mantine-AppShell-header and then paddin-top: 0; to mantine-AppShell-main
5 replies
Created by tucker19 on 1/22/2025 in #💬・get-help
Duplicating Apps or Widgets
Just tried duplicating almost every widget I have, and they're all movable even after I save, reload, and start editing again... There was an issue the devs recently fixed with some Home Assistant control widgets being non-movable, don't know if that's related to your issue - but are you running the latest version of Homarr?
4 replies
Created by ReturnTypeTech on 1/23/2025 in #💬・get-help
RSS Widget using v1.1.0 not accepting urls
@Meierschlumpf I'm just thinking, since 4/4 people responding here had that issue, that some sort of tooltip would be nice to remind people that the field is empty - even if they just pasted something. Is it possible to add this for future users? I can imagine a lot of people don't go to discord/github to learn stuff 😄
13 replies
Created by ReturnTypeTech on 1/23/2025 in #💬・get-help
RSS Widget using v1.1.0 not accepting urls
lol, well, that was silly. I didn't. But that makes two of us with the OP here 😄
13 replies
Created by ReturnTypeTech on 1/23/2025 in #💬・get-help
RSS Widget using v1.1.0 not accepting urls
Same here, using BBC RSS - http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml - window remains empty. I think the github issue I've added should be reopened - here https://github.com/homarr-labs/homarr/issues/2002#event-16032497184
13 replies
Created by Atreides on 1/21/2025 in #💬・get-help
Custom Re-size iFrame?
No, just edit the CSS on your site and see if it helps. Essentially, that black bar is coming from some CSS issue inside the iFrame. In one case of mine, it was me setting the height in pixels, which, of course, didn't scale when in iFrame. Play around with it and see if it helps, maybe try some GenAI like co-pilot or ChatGPT to troubleshoot your CSS
12 replies
Created by Atreides on 1/21/2025 in #💬・get-help
Custom Re-size iFrame?
I've added quite a bit of iFrames into my design, and I do believe it has to be the website you're embedding that has certain limitations. If your specific website doesn't allow you to edit this - the easiest way might be actually to host your own widget elsewhere (e.g., github) and serve it to Homarr via an iFrame - thus keeping all the control on your side.
12 replies