Difference between $data and $this->data in CreateResource
I want to know how the data is passed for the $data for functions in CreateResource.php.
I want to pass some data from beforeCreate() to handleRecordCreation().
If I use the $data parameter, it doesn't get passed. But if I use $this->data, I can pass it from beforeCreate() to handleRecordCreation().
Is there a better way to do this ?
2 replies
Access the current group data in summarizer.
In this example, I'm showing the product orders table grouped by the product name showing total quantity for each.
Can I get the product data in the summarizer for each group?
I want to display the data like so: ( Sum of Quantity / product.total_quantity).
Is this possible?
2 replies
Refetch RelationManager data on parent resource save
Is there a way to refetch the query data for a relationmanager when the parent resource data is saved?
Currently I just reload the page after I finished saving.
I was wondering if there are any alternatives.
18 replies
Separate auth session with filament and breeze
I want to make it so that user logged in with breeze has its own session and filament has its own session.
I'm guessing I would need to use separate cookies?
Is it possible to do this? Any help is appreciated.
2 replies