Created by Steven.Basker on 11/6/2023 in #help
❔ Project References Different SDK Versions: Visual Studio Fails, Rider Does Not?
So, we have a project, in which we have a shared project containing... Shared code. The shared project has a reference to a sdk which is 9xxx The projects that uses code from the shared sdk has a version of 8xxx Visual studio fails to build, however Rider does not? I read somewhere that rider resolves SDK version behind the scene? I know the fix, but I am curious as too why Rider chooses to autoresolve version conflicts, especially when they typically signify a setup failure?
5 replies
Created by Steven.Basker on 6/20/2023 in #help
❔ Unpacking .dll Files for NuGet Dependencies: How to Handle It?
I'm currently working on a project for RageMP, a gamemode for GTA 5. In order for it to function, RageMP reads .dll files. To accommodate this, I've changed the output location of my projects so that the server can access them. However, one of my projects has dependencies on the following nuget packages: Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. These packages are provided in a .nupkg file format. To run the project successfully, I require the corresponding .dll files. My question is: How can I unpack the .dll files when building the project? Are there any recommended approaches for handling this situation?
5 replies
Created by Steven.Basker on 6/5/2023 in #help
❔ Compatibility Issues between Rider and Visual Studio?
Do anyone know about possible compatibility issues when creating a project in rider? And then opening it in Visual Studio? A little background. We have a new project that was created in Rider, however people using visual studio receives error upon trying to compile it. Mostly "Namespace or types cannot be found" type of stuff. I have no idea what information to provide, since I am confused about the problem myself, is it a possible mismatch between visual studio .csproj files and riders? And hint or help would be welcome!
11 replies
Created by Steven.Basker on 12/2/2022 in #help
❔ Unit testing code smell?
Hello, I'm writing a parser and doing unit test of it, however the unit test I created seems so complicated that something must be off I do not know how to proceed with simplifying it, could anyone give a suggestion?
9 replies
Created by Steven.Basker on 8/31/2022 in #help
Reading Configuration
Say I have a class like this:
public StepGenerator(MigrationSteps migration)
this.Migration = migration;
public StepGenerator(MigrationSteps migration)
this.Migration = migration;
I want it to read some settings from appsettings.json, however I cant Dependency Inject the configuration, because it requires that class of MigrationSteps. What is a smart way to passing in the configuration? Just pass the config along in the constructor?
public StepGenerator(MigrationSteps migration, IOption<SQLConfiguration> sqlConfig){
// emitted
public StepGenerator(MigrationSteps migration, IOption<SQLConfiguration> sqlConfig){
// emitted
1 replies