Explore posts from serversHow can create and edit page using TinyEditor
I have managed to solve the problem in another way, using templates with a static design, in this case by calling blade.php templates from a select, now I only have to add the inputs to load the text and image contents. Thank you very much, although no one answered me hahahahah 😂
2 replies
How can integrate Socialite in Filament
Thank you very much friend, if I had looked there, then do you recommend using the filament ones, of those 3 which one would you recommend the most? or is there not much difference between them? Thank you so much!
5 replies
Can't export data using ExportAction with Tenant
If it is true, perhaps the best option is to pass that data to the table, add customer_id and tenant_id to notifications and nothing more... that way I avoid extra work... which does have me a little confused working with extend of the DatabaseNotification class, to show notifications only to the corresponding tenants and customer accounts. Well, I continue to find out and try options but always maintaining the use of filament instead of third-party packages, thanks bro!
20 replies
Can't export data using ExportAction with Tenant
Hey bro, thank you for share!
I'm not using stancl/tenancy, i'm using the filament configuration and implements HasTenants, i'm trying to use all the configuration of Filament, with which I avoid using third-party packages, in fact I have Laravel Excel installed and configured, but I find that the filament functionality for import and export is much more complete and becomes lighter when using jobs for this task.
20 replies
Can't export data using ExportAction with Tenant
Of course it is not the company, out of confusion I put company, but apart from that when I put customer_id it still says that it is missing the user_id, in short Customer is the model of the Company Panel and this extends authenticatable
20 replies