Dyno Sire
Dyno Sire
Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
yes sorry I forgot to mention sudo, I have edited my reply accordingly :)
13 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
this is a remanent of the initial blendOS installation which use GNOME and for which there is a wizard to help you set a few parameters like timezones etc. on your first login. It can be safely deleted with sudo userdel -r gnome-initial-setup, with -r to remove its /home folder at the same time.
13 replies
Created by Sarabella1 on 6/14/2024 in #🆘┃support
Epson xp-2150 wifi printer not working
Hi @Sarabella1 As described in the Arch Linux Wiki, you will need to install the epson-inkjet-printer-escpr package. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CUPS/Printer-specific_problems#Epson https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr Give it a try in an arch container first and if it doesn't work, try adding it to your system.yaml and akshara update :)
17 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
but I coudln't find where I might be able to set up some X configuration for the SDDM session to use so far and while it is tempting to try to create a 10-monitor.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, I leave it at that for tonight
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
I read that SDDM will load the different configuration files in this order: /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/ /etc/sddm.conf.d/ and /etc/sddm.conf and I found a JSON config file in /var/lib/sddm/.local/share/kscreen/control/configs which seems to refer to display by connection name (like DP-1 for the GPU's first Display Port I presume) but not sure SDDM is using it.
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
going through it, I just realised that while SDDM launches the KDE Plasma desktop in a Wayland session, SDDM itself runs in an X11 session by default, which is confirmed by running journalctl -u sddm -> sddm[768]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt2 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_WtQZNc -noreset -displayfd 16 Also, from what I gathered, SDDM does not make use of the monitors.xml file, it is GDM that does, sorry for creating confusion around this. (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GDM#Setup_default_monitor_settings)
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
that's what we get for wanting to live on the edge :) my debian is stable as a rock but.... #boring lol
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
that is a very good sign
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
no worries im at work also. let me know if you are able to have a 2nd monitors detected in the display config, if the file wasnt there it might gets created once you set two monitors. if so we'll pick it from there tonite :)
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
while logged in right click on your desktop and open the display configiration window. try to plug one other monitor and see if it appears in that setting window. place them side by side, close the display settings and look if you now have the following file ~/.config/monitors.xml
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
I'll try to dig a bit deeper tonight. My guess is that you already are on Wayland (check in a term with echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE) and sddm just needs to be aware of your multi monitor setup via a monitors.xml file
92 replies
Created by n4k3z on 6/11/2024 in #🆘┃support
Boot problem with manual partitioning
try if you can select your blendOS partition as boot override in your BIOS. If you can boot into blendOS this way, it might just be that you already had a bootloader and blendOS did not overwrite it and could not add itself to it as a boot option
16 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
let us know how it went, I'll most likely pop by in a couple of hours. Good luck! :)
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
I hate this feeling, I have to leave and I'm not sure of what I'm about to tell you ehehe I believe it's /var/lib/sddm/.config/ maybe just give it a shot and if it doesn't work you can always fall back on arch wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SDDM
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
you'll need to make a copy to a place for SDDM (KDE's login manager) to use, its the one I'm looking for at the moment ehehe bear with me 😅
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
your monitor settings are in ~/.config/monitors.xml
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
you need to do something, gimme a sec im trying to find the right paths to give you
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
it will be easier to troubleshoot now, plugging your extra monitor and opening kde's monitor settings. After that you can save your monitor configuration and apply it to sddm and you should be good
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
Great :)
92 replies
Created by Dyno Sire on 6/9/2024 in #🆘┃support
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
if you can mount the v4 partition from your booted v3 there might be a way to access the v4 journal by pointing your v3 journalctl --directory {path} So let say you mount the v4 partition to ylur v3 /mnt/v4 replace {path} by /mnt/v4/run/log/journal/{an arbitrary bunch of characters} <- there should be a system.journal file in there. It's a binary file so you can't just open it in a text editor, that's why I have you redirect it with --no-tail > /root/journal.log above also, as a simple troubleshooting measure, you can make sure you only have one monitor plugged in your GPU when you boot into v4
92 replies