Case S.
Case S.
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Case S. on 1/23/2025 in #help
Variable behavior for .onConflict[X] method of .insert?
Let's say that I create an array of insert statements along the lines of db.insert(targetTable).values(targetValues) and, on a conflict, I want different behavior based on why there was a conflict. For instance, if the conflict arises due to the id field having a unique constraint that would be violated by the entry, I would want to update, like: db.insert(targetTable).values(targetValues).onConflictDoUpdate({ target:, set: targetValues }) However, if a different field of the insert has a unique violation, I’d want to do nothing like: db.insert(targetTable).values(targetValues).onConflictDoNothing({ target: targetTable.anotherUniqueField }) And a third field has a foreign key constraint that would be violated by the insert. I would imagine that would look like: db.insert(targetTable).values(targetValues).onConflictDoNothing({ target: targetTable.fieldWForeignConstraint }) What I’d REALLY like to be able to do is something of my choosing on a conflict like logging the skipped entry to a file. Something like: db.insert(targetTable).values(targetValues).onConflict((conflictObject) => { if(conflictObject.field === “id”){ conflictObject.update({ target:, set: targetValues }) } if(conflictObject.field === “anotherUniqueField” { // write to file here console.log("this entry was skipped do to a conflict on the field: "anotherUniqueField", targetValues); // do nothing return; } if(conflictObject.field === “fieldWForeignConstraint” { // write to file here console.log("this entry was skipped do to a conflict on the field: “fieldWForeignCosntraint”", targetValues); // do nothing return; } }) Is anything like this possible? Can the .onConflict[X] methods be chained maybe? I’ve found that the Drizzle documentation doesn’t have a very thorough description of the API or the methods’ arguments, etc. so I have a hard time knowing what is and isn’t possible with the package.
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