Difference "Login/Register" and JWT Authentication?
Hey, I am very new to these kind of stuff, and i have a question.
What exactly is the difference between a "login/register" process and a JWT Authentication.
And why do some people use them both?
127 replies
.NET Core & React | Authentication
So I want to create a new webapp with React and .NET Core. I created a new project in Visual Studio and now I want to implement a JWT Authentication, but unfortunately I have no clue where and how to start. (im a newbie
Would be so nice if someone could help me <3 love y'all

17 replies
Replace a part from String
Hello guys, I need help with a string (URL is the value in the string)
basically my code picks the correct message-template from a JSON file. And now i want to replace the "BaseUri" and the "Id".
The value I get from the JSON:
"MessageTemplate": "@BaseUri/@id"
i want this to -> "https://google.com/id" (example)
I appreciate the help ❤️
3 replies