.NET Core + React | Login process
I have a project for school, i have to create a web application with .NET Core and React.
My teacher wants me to create a login-system. (only login, not register. the admin (my teacher) should create accounts and the customers should just login).
I don't really know where to start and how. And after I create a login-system, I should add "JWT" stuff.
Would be nice if someone could help this newbie ;( thanks!!

1 Reply
you've create asp.net core web app (razor pages)
in visual studio there is option to create asp.net web API application with react
the visual studio will setup API connection with your react app and .NET application
check this link about setup Identity JWT with single page applications.
Use Identity to secure a Web API backend for SPAs
Learn how to use Identity to secure a Web API backend for single page applications (SPAs).