Renato L.
Renato L.
Explore posts from servers
Created by Renato L. on 8/26/2024 in #❓・help
Will Nuxt Auth Utils work with Serverless?
I'm not much of a backend developer, so I'm not 100% sure how authentication works all the time. But I'm wondering if the nuxt auth utils would work in a serverless plataform like Netlifly or Firebase Functions. Especially since the execution context might not be the same between function calls. I feel that it should work because they will always share the same SESSION_PASSWORD
2 replies
Created by Renato L. on 5/2/2023 in #❓・help
Creating module composable with module starter
Hello everyone. I'm trying to learn how to create a module. According to the documentation recipe, it can be (I only changed the name of the composable):
import { defineNuxtModule, addImports, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit';

export default defineNuxtModule({
setup(options, nuxt) {
const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url);
name: 'useCMS',
as: 'useCMS',
from: resolver.resolve('runtime/composables/useCMS'),
import { defineNuxtModule, addImports, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit';

export default defineNuxtModule({
setup(options, nuxt) {
const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url);
name: 'useCMS',
as: 'useCMS',
from: resolver.resolve('runtime/composables/useCMS'),
The docs do not provide a composable as an example, but I would assume it is the same as any nuxt composable. So this one should work: runtime/composables/useCMS.ts
export function useCMS() {
return {
title: 'Title of the website',
navBar: false,
columns: 5,
export function useCMS() {
return {
title: 'Title of the website',
navBar: false,
columns: 5,
In the play ground, I changed app.vue to the following:
{{ title }}

<script setup>
const { title } = useCMS();
{{ title }}

<script setup>
const { title } = useCMS();
But I get an error: 500 useCMS is not defined I created a new nuxt project and the same useCMS composable worked. I believe this might be a problem with the playground, even when removing the module from the playground config, and writing useCMS in the composable folder I get the same error. Here is a stackblitz reproduction of the issue: Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
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