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Created by criminosis on 7/10/2024 in #questions
MergeV "get or create" performance asymmetry
So I'm working on adding the mergeV step among others to the Rust gremlin driver. As part of that I took a pause and did a performance comparison to the "traditional" way of doing it. So the Rust driver is submitting bytecode that's effectively doing: "Traditional/Reference":
g.V("expected_id").fold().coalesce(unfold(), addV("my_label").properties(, "expected_id")).properties("other_property", "foo").V("some_other_expected_id")...and so forth
g.V("expected_id").fold().coalesce(unfold(), addV("my_label").properties(, "expected_id")).properties("other_property", "foo").V("some_other_expected_id")...and so forth
^ But given a batch of 10k vertices to write it'd do this for a chunk of 10 vertices in a single mutation traversal, but doing 10 connections in parallel to split up the batch until it finished getting all 10k written. It's well known that very long traversals don't perform well and my own trials found that doing this at > 50 vertices in a single traversal would cause timeouts for my use case, so I've been generally doing 10 and calling it good. But this puts a ceiling on the amount of work a single network call can make (10 vertices worth) so hence why I started trying out mergeV() to stack more info into a single call without making the traversal prohibitively long. And then the "mergeV()" way:
[["lookup": [("expected_id"], "properties":["other_property": "foo"]], ["lookup":[("some_other_expected_id"], "properties":[other_vertex_properties_here]], ...and so forth]).
[["lookup": [("expected_id"], "properties":["other_property": "foo"]], ["lookup":[("some_other_expected_id"], "properties":[other_vertex_properties_here]], ...and so forth]).
I would run the mergeV call with chunks of 200 vertices in each call.
6 replies
Created by criminosis on 5/24/2024 in #questions
Comma Separated Config Options Values Via Environment Variable?
Hey @Bo & @porunov I was trying out the retry logic added by my PR ( by setting environment variables in my docker compose like so: janusgraph.index.some_index_name_here.elasticsearch.retry-error-codes=408,429 Much like was done in the unit test I wrote ( But to my surprise it doesn't seem to be received well during startup:
janusgraph | Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "408,429" janusgraph | at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] ..... janusgraph | at ~[janusgraph-es-1.1.0-20240427-134121.4bddfb4.jar:?]
The surprise to me being it's using the same String[] parsing logic as other commands, which got me curious if others didn't work either. So I tried a more mundane one like janusgraph.index.some_index_name_here.hostname=elasticsearch,elasticsearch And it too doesn't seem to get parsed correctly:
janusgraph | Caused by: elasticsearch,elasticsearch janusgraph | at java.base/$CachedAddresses.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] .... janusgraph | at org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient.performRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-client-8.10.4.jar:8.10.4] janusgraph | at ~[janusgraph-es-1.1.0-20240427-134121.4bddfb4.jar:?]
So just wondered is there a special syntax that's intended here?
33 replies
Created by criminosis on 4/25/2024 in #questions
Phantom Unique Data / Data Too Large?
I've been chasing down a weird writing bug for our graph writer, but I feel like I've stumbled into conflicting realities in my graph and wanted to share in case I'm missing something larger. For context the environment in play is my local development environment, all running inside docker compose (host machine is MacOS, on the off chance it matters). - JanusGraph 1.0.0 - Cassandra 4 - Elasticsearch 8 I'm writing vertices into a graph. I've got a property that is enforced uniqueness via a composite index with unique() enabled. I don't have locking turned on, I know that's documented ( but as a single local Cassandra I was thinking that wouldn't be required since there's no other instances to sync with, maybe that's the root of the whole issue. The vertices also use custom vertex ids derived off this property. My thought was this way knowing the property I could go ahead and issue traversals against the vertex id instead of having to detour to an index, but still leverage the index when it was more convenient. Trying to rerun some data for processing I'm having a violation of the aforementioned composite unique index, but I'm puzzled as to why. Using gDotV I'm able to determine the following: 1. Querying based on the property that should use the unique index returns the vertex as expected with the expected custom id. However the properties off the vertex are empty like so when shown in gDotV: "properties": [], 2. Running just a query for the custom id as in g.V('id_goes_here') paradoxically seems to not return the vertex. So this leaves me in a weird state that seems to be implying: - The properties of the vertex are empty, but the unique index is still populated with the property, even when the vertex itself is not - I'm not able to find the vertex with its vertex id
13 replies
Created by criminosis on 4/19/2024 in #questions
Mixed Index (ElasticSearch) Backpressure Ignored?
I understand that JG views writes to mixed indices as a "best effort" and documents( that failures in transactions with regards to mixed indices are left to a separate periodic clean up process after enabling JG's WAL:
If the primary persistence into the storage backend succeeds but secondary persistence into the indexing backends or the logging system fail, the transaction is still considered to be successful because the storage backend is the authoritative source of the graph. ... In addition, a separate process must be setup that reads the log to identify partially failed transaction and repair any inconsistencies caused. ....
But I wanted to inquire if 429 Too Many Requests could be omitted from this.
7 replies
Created by criminosis on 2/27/2024 in #questions
Custom Vertex IDs and Serialized Graph
Just wondering if anyone has tried to use custom vertex ids and restore a serialized graph?"/tmp/foo.kryo").write().iterate() Then doing the converse with a read() but then it errors with must provide vertex id. Looking at the serialized file it seems the vertex ids are present, but presumably aren't being propagated during the read?
6 replies
Created by criminosis on 2/7/2024 in #questions
Do Custom Vertex IDs Guarantee Single Instance of That Vertex?
Previously I was using a composite index with a unique constraint with locking to try to enforce uniqueness for new vertices, but switching to using that property as a custom vertex ID has a noticeable performance boost. Just wondering if we're still guaranteed vertex uniqueness that locking previously would (try to) enforce? I figured it does, assuming that custom vertex id is what's getting serialized to the backend. If so I'm guessing there literally wouldn't be a place for a doppelgänger to exist, but figured I'd ask since it wasn't explicitly stated in the docs after switching to custom vertex ids.
4 replies
Created by criminosis on 11/30/2023 in #questions
Janusgraph Tokenizer & Solr
I recently encountered what I believe is an incompatibility between the JanusGraph tokenizer being applied to queries before their submission to Solr. It appears this is uniquely only done to Solr in comparison to Elasticsearch. Moreover only for one particular predicate for Solr. Has anyone else bumped into this? Here's a link to my post on the listserve that gives more detail and links to the code in question:
5 replies
Created by criminosis on 11/14/2023 in #questions
Splitting Backing ElasticSearch Index To Increase Primary Shards As JG Mixed Index Grows
Has anyone had to resize a ElasticSearch index that's backing a JanusGraph Mixed Index? Configuration wise it seems you're only able to convey to JanusGraph a singular primary shard & replica count when it creates an ES Index. I'm projecting to eventually have a couple Mixed Indices exceed what will be reasonable for a single primary shard in the backing ES Index (given the rule of thumb of 10-50GB or 200M documents). So as a configuration default it makes sense to leave it as 1 for the other Mixed Indices. Just wondering if anyone else has tackled this for heftier mixed indices. In my particular use case it's largely being inflated due to wanting to leverage the full-text search over text documents that are themselves stored as vertex properties in my graph. I think what I'd need to do would be: 1. Set the backing ES indices as read only (so make sure any JG uses at that time aren't going to try to mutate, maybe best to just turn JG off) 2. Invoke the ES split API, giving the post split indices a novel name 3. After the split completes, drop the original ES Index and assign the post split ES indices an alias of the original ES index's name. Probably would want JG definitely off for this. 4. Turn JG back on Ideally this problem would be handled using ILM with an alias that JG expects and have policy in place that'd automatically roll the indices as they grow, but given only the latest index instance is allowed to receive writes though I think will cause problems if JG tries to mutate a document in a prior ES index since JG doesn't know anything about the index rolling so it won't be able to send the mutate command to particular instance through the Index API. But it got me wondering if the name that JG presumably expects is an actual index is silently converted to an alias without its awareness would also cause issues?
2 replies
Created by criminosis on 7/3/2023 in #questions
Case Insensitive TextRegex?
Is there a way to convey a text insensitivity to a textRegex Regex without doing a per character index enumeration of casing? E.g. I'd normally make a regex like "(?i)foobar" (or pass to an explicit flags parameter in the regex builder) to match FOOBAR, Foobar, etc. But it seems like I have to do textRegex("[Ff][Oo][Oo][Bb][Aa][Rr]") to proxy that functionality?
7 replies