Janusgraph-Cassandra Storage Backend issue and table clarification
Graph does not support the provided graph computer: SparkGraphComputer
graphManager: org.janusgraph.graphdb.management.JanusGraphManager
graphManager: org.janusgraph.graphdb.management.JanusGraphManager
Embedded graph with Scylla backend in Java
Wrote claim for id block threshold exception
Wrote claim for id block [9280001, 9360001] in PT1.2S => too slow, threshold is: PT0.3S
Wrote claim for id block [9280001, 9360001] in PT1.2S => too slow, threshold is: PT0.3S
Running OLAP queries on Janusgraph outside the Gremlin Console (from Java and G.V())
Groovy Mode
for query submission:...Support for saving arrays of vectors
Why queries are slow when more than one mixed index in query
ConfiguredGraphFactory.open("tenant51").traversal().V().has('_t', 'infra:container').has('_it', gt(123)).limit(100)
is taking 400ms
ConfiguredGraphFactory.open("tenant51").traversal().V().has('_it', gt(123)).limit(100)
ConfiguredGraphFactory.open("tenant51").traversal().V().has('t', 'infra:container').limit(100)
...Index Creation Help
Transaction Recovery not working as expected
Transaction Failure
section here Failure & Recovery - JanusGraph for handling when persistence to indexing backends fail. I've enabled the tx write-ahead log and have tried setting up the recovery process. Based on the logs, it seems that the process is initializing properly but I don't see much after that and I don't believe indexing is being retried based on queries using this index. I also see that getStatistics returns 0,0. I'm wondering if anyone had any insight into what's going on here/what I might be missing?
We're using cassandra as our backend storage and lucene for indexing at the moment. Thank you!...Mapping.STRING not working as expected?
Problem with Custom Long IDs in JanusGraph
Gremlin Console in v1.0.0 and v1.1.0
Custom Vertex ID and coalesce
Can `CqlInputFormat` do predicate pushdowns/query based prefilters?
to build vertex programs and run OLAP gremlin queries. Per my understanding, in this setup the only point of contact with JanusGraph is through the CqlInputFormat
and the server itself is not involved at all. Is that correct?...Performance issues with bulk loading
When using janusgraph text predicates for fuzzy search, is it possible to control the fuzziness?
Migration options for custom vertex id.
Best practices recommendation for Kotlin?
Edge cardinality SIMPLE documentation not clear
SIMPLE: Allows at most one edge of such label between any pair of vertices. In other words, the graph is a simple graph with respect to the label. Ensures that edges are unique for a given label and pairs of vertices.
My question is, is direction considered here? Means can I have an edge A->B and B->A?...