Graph does not support the provided graph computer: SparkGraphComputer
Hi, I'm trying to instantiate a janusgraph server that correctly exports a graph.traversal().withComputer(SparkGraphComputer)
As I was unable to find specific documentation on this, I have tried following this:
However, I'm unable to instantiate a graph of this type:
When I attempt to use graph: conf/hadoop-graph/
in the server configuration .yaml file, I get the following server error:
Need to set configuration value:
If I set the storage backend by adding storage.backend=cql
and storage.cql.keyspace=janusgraph
I'm able to start the janusgraph server, but when I attempt to use the og
traversal source, I get the following error: Graph does not support the provided graph computer: SparkGraphComputer
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to properly setup a janusgraph server so that queries are executed using SparkGraphComputer?
BTW: I'm able to correctly run queries from the gremlin console, by following the example in the official janusgraph documentation:
But what I'm interested in is instantiating a janusgraph server that by defualt runs all queries on a given traveral source using SparkGraphComputer.Stack Overflow
Unable to use SparkGraphComputer with Tinkerpop 3.2.3 and Janusgrap...
I have set up Tinkerpop Gremlin Server 3.2.3 and Tinkerpop Gremlin Console 3.2.3 and added janusgraph 0.1.1 as plugin to both.
I run following code in remote mode which ends up in below-listed exc...
Solution:Jump to solution
OK, finally I was able to figure out the issue on my own. To make things work, since JanusGraphFactory fails to create a graph, I replaced
4 Replies
I wanted to provide an update on this issue. From the janusgraph server logs (attached), it's clear that the janusgraph server uses JanusGraphFactory to open the graph
The same error can be reproduced in the gremlin console:
whereas using
instead of JanusGraphFactory
works fine:
Why is
read/accepted by GraphFactory but not by JanusGraphFactory?Solution
OK, finally I was able to figure out the issue on my own. To make things work, since JanusGraphFactory fails to create a graph, I replaced
The rest of the relevant parts of the .yaml file look like this:
and, importantly,
looks like this:
@gdotv , I wanted to mention that the above solution answers the related but separate question I asked previously on running OLAP queries from G.V(). It may be useful to other GV() users as well. 😉
Hey, glad to hear, thanks for confirming. I'm gonna keep a note of this for my own testing 😁. Let me know if you need another trial of G.V() (or your current one extended) if your trial ran out while you were figuring this out.