SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by Andy on 9/14/2024 in #community-help🙏
dedicated server for Sons of the forest
Red Hat supremacy
16 replies
SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by Andy on 9/14/2024 in #community-help🙏
dedicated server for Sons of the forest
It's good practice for Linux people
16 replies
SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by Andy on 9/14/2024 in #community-help🙏
dedicated server for Sons of the forest
Also assuming you've tried disabling the firewalld service on the VM. It's the first thing I do at work lol
16 replies
SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by Andy on 9/14/2024 in #community-help🙏
dedicated server for Sons of the forest
When I do it through Windows, I've had to open the ports on both my PC along with my router. Also nothing worked until I finally changed the dedicatedserver.cfg to have "SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": true
16 replies
SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by BEHRAPY on 2/22/2024 in #community-help🙏
Dedicated Service Issue not showing after 1.0 release
Imagine having detailed guides from the people who actually made it 🙃
9 replies
SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by BEHRAPY on 2/22/2024 in #community-help🙏
Dedicated Service Issue not showing after 1.0 release
This is a known bug. Despite all port troubleshooting with the Windows Firewall and ISP's port forwarding, SotFDS would report that all 3 are closed. The solution is to set SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest to true. After that, the server was instantly found by users outside the network.
9 replies
SOTSons Of | The Forest
•Created by BEHRAPY on 2/22/2024 in #community-help🙏
Dedicated Service Issue not showing after 1.0 release
Same here. Pasting this from my Reddit post in case others can help with troubleshooting:
-I was able to update the SotF Dedicated Server tool via Steam's application (just downloaded it like the normal game). No change.
-I ran SteamCMD, logged in anonymously, and ran "app_update 2465200 validate". Update successful, but no change.
-dedicatedserver.cfg has always had "SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": true; setting it to false gives the same "port is closed. Please fix and restart".
-dedicatedserver.cfg has always had "IpAddress": ""; setting it to my public-facing IP gives me
-System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'udpEventStartFailed' to type 'UdpEventStartDone'.
-Inbound and outbound ports are still present
-Public-facing IP has not changed, and my friend can still ping me
9 replies