CDCloudflare Developers
Created by emonair on 2/11/2025 in #general-help
Apple Custom Email Domains Assistance
Hello, I purchased my domain from cloudflare through Apple iPhone to us it as a Custom Email Domain. Although the setup was unclear, I created my email address without issue. I then thought I could create my wife’s email on my phone and assign it to her, which didn’t work. I deleted the email address off of my phone and it deleted successfully. When I tried to “create” the same email on my wife’s phone it gives me an error. It seems that even if the email address was deleted there is a hidden record of it somewhere that prevents it from being used by other users. Apple can’t seem to help me “manage” the email address. I signed in to my cloudflare account and there doesn’t seem to be a way to manage email addresses associated with my domain. I just want to be able to “reset/clear” the previously created then deleted email address on this custom domain so that I can “create” it on my wife’s phone. Completely unclear where the email addresses are managed? Apple or Cloudflare? Nobody seems to know on either side and I haven't been able to locate a way to do it on my end with Apple or Cloudflare. Any ideas are appreciated.
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