Apple Custom Email Domains Assistance

Hello, I purchased my domain from cloudflare through Apple iPhone to us it as a Custom Email Domain. Although the setup was unclear, I created my email address without issue. I then thought I could create my wife’s email on my phone and assign it to her, which didn’t work. I deleted the email address off of my phone and it deleted successfully. When I tried to “create” the same email on my wife’s phone it gives me an error. It seems that even if the email address was deleted there is a hidden record of it somewhere that prevents it from being used by other users. Apple can’t seem to help me “manage” the email address. I signed in to my cloudflare account and there doesn’t seem to be a way to manage email addresses associated with my domain. I just want to be able to “reset/clear” the previously created then deleted email address on this custom domain so that I can “create” it on my wife’s phone. Completely unclear where the email addresses are managed? Apple or Cloudflare? Nobody seems to know on either side and I haven't been able to locate a way to do it on my end with Apple or Cloudflare. Any ideas are appreciated.
4 Replies
Laudian3w ago
Email addresses are managed at Apple. All that you do on Cloudflare is manage DNS records, and even that should be done automatically by Apple for you. If you send me your domain, I can check if there's anything wrong with the DNS records.
emonairOP3w ago
That makes sense, I appreciate the response. This will help me limit the buck passing from Apple support. domain pm'd
Laudian3w ago
Yeah, the DNS records look all good. Cloudflare doesn't have anything to do with the emails other than that.
emonairOP3w ago
For anyone else who has this issue. Per Apple support, once you create an email address on your Apple Custom Email Domain it is forever bound to your profile and can never be shared with anyone else. :grumpy:

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