Hooligan Dev
Can Tabs be used as a (multi) widget?
In V2 I was using solutionforest filament-tab -plugin for creating a Widget that inside had more widgets separated by Tabs.
The creator of this package is deprecating it in favor of Filament Core Tabs but reading the documentation I don't see a way to replicate the same behavior. It seems that they can only be used in Forms.
How can I use Tabs in Widgets?
6 replies
Select::isOptionDisabled(): Argument #2 ($label) must be of type string, null given
After upgrading to Filament 3 I am getting this error on some of my resources. I tried to follow the traces but nothing was clear there. Any idea what changed that made my app break?
28 replies
Route not found after creating a second Panel
I created a new panel using the
php artisan make:filament-panel users
After adding the service provider to config.app
I am getting the following error
Route [filament.app.resources.users.index] not defined.
What am I missing?23 replies