•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
Thank you all for your help!
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
So yeah, we were just running out of memory on the VPS. XMX memory wasn't filled, but there was not enough overhead. We solved the issue now and server runs fine. This post can be locked / closed.
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
We forgot the overhead room
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
Already got it by now yeah
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why

51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
We just disabled all other containers on the VPS, only running the minecraft container right now. Using 5.6gb of memory on the vps.
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
Running alma linux
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
Yeah the folder exists, there is no file in there named syslog though.
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
I'll check
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why

51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
We haven't set any limitations on the container
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
the spark profile (which i don't have anymore) showed a big rise in entities, tile entities and therefor MSTP right before this occured. Entity count was about 1600, tile entities about 6000. Only two players were actually loading stuff i think, i was in spectator mode. Memory usage was about 1.5gb, we set the heap size to 4 in the jvm flags. the vps has 8gb available, so we provide a buffer for the server.
Around those two players were not really any entities i could think of. Debug screen (f3) also showed around 60-120 entities being loaded.
What both players did however have are really large crop fields. All the spawn chunks are basically one giant wheat field. The other player lives around 3000 blocks from spawn, but also had alot of melon fields. Could these cause any lag, perhaps the server randomly ticking the crops?
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why This is the image we are using, in case you are curious.
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
Yeah but see that's the weird thing, i don't get any errors in the console. Could this be caused by the container itself crashing instead of the java process? Because we all get disconnected, the logs get cut off and only the message "minecraft server failed" is sent in the console by the docker image. After that the container automatically reboots itself
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
that was a point where either the server or docker itself crashed, as a result we got timed out. We didn't disconnect voluntarily
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
The weird thing is, some console messages that are shown by the docker container are not saved in the logs. Those messages include:
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why these should be all the logs from the period the most crashes occured. this was the timeframe today where me and 2 friends where playing, no other players have been online today.
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why here i pasted the log manually. Line count is the same though.
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
I deleted the message containing the original file due to privacy. I wasn't even aware that the server retrieves IP adresses and stores them in logs, thank you for making me aware of that
51 replies
•Created by Jesper on 9/19/2023 in #questions
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
i'll paste it in manually
51 replies