SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by ShaLin on 2/24/2023 in #sapphire-support
Help canceling a command
Is there a specific database framework that you would recommend
15 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by ShaLin on 2/24/2023 in #sapphire-support
Help canceling a command
and then send a follow up ping at the set time
15 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by ShaLin on 2/24/2023 in #sapphire-support
Help canceling a command
I reply with a confirmation message
15 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by ShaLin on 2/24/2023 in #sapphire-support
Help canceling a command
Im a bit confused now. I was able to make a reminder for 4 hours later and it worked perfectly, would that break if more than one reminder was made at a time?
15 replies