•Created by Blovarsk on 9/19/2023 in #questions
My forge.jar for my server isn't doing anything despite having downloaded Java 8
Hey, I've been trying to lauch a Create
Above and beyond serveru to play with a friend and I downloaded the server files from curse forge, installed the forge server and extracted the files in, I have all the mods into the mods folders etc but when I try to lauch "forge-1.16.5-36-2-20.jar' nothing happens (except a brief apparition in my task manager and my fan spinning faster for 1 second), I have a minecraft_server.1.16.5.jar but from what I understood that is a vanilla server and doesn't loads mods (confirmed it when trying to connect I see that it is a vanilla server). I've seen on the internet that I need to make a bat files and redirect to my java 8 but... all the post are from 2017 and half the messages are deleted so... Any help...?
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