Docker argument issues - python sdk (docker_args)
If i copy paste the docker arguments that work fine on the website into the docker_args of runpod.create_pod method, i get error "Something went wrong. Please try again later or contact support".
The only difference is that the args are in triple quotes. Im not sure how I should be formatting them.
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no cuda gpu detected
I dont know if this is a general problem or not
import torch torch.cuda.is_available()
gives error might not have cuda gpu
I have tried
FROM runpod/pytorch:2.4.0-py3.11-cuda12.4.1-devel-ubuntu22.04
All running in secure cloud :/
nvidia-smi seems fine, so does pip show torch , cuda version of it is installed.
This happens 1/4 of the time from my testing so far.
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