Docker argument issues - python sdk (docker_args)
If i copy paste the docker arguments that work fine on the website into the docker_args of runpod.create_pod method, i get error "Something went wrong. Please try again later or contact support".
The only difference is that the args are in triple quotes. Im not sure how I should be formatting them.
1 Reply
example of args
args = """
bash -c "
apt update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y openssh-server imagemagick && \
pip3 install pyTelegramBotAPI && \
mkdir -p ~/.ssh && \ chmod 700 ~/.ssh && \ echo "$PUBLIC_KEY" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && \ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && \ service ssh start && \
wget -O /facefusion/ OUTPUT_PATH="/facefusion/face.jpg" TEMP_FILE="./temp_image" curl -L "$IMG_URL" -o "$TEMP_FILE" IMG_TYPE=$(identify -format "%m" "$TEMP_FILE") if [ "$IMG_TYPE" != "JPEG" ]; then convert "$TEMP_FILE" "$OUTPUT_PATH" else mv "$TEMP_FILE" "$OUTPUT_PATH" fi cd /facefusion && \ python3 && \ sleep infinity " """
mkdir -p ~/.ssh && \ chmod 700 ~/.ssh && \ echo "$PUBLIC_KEY" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && \ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && \ service ssh start && \
wget -O /facefusion/ OUTPUT_PATH="/facefusion/face.jpg" TEMP_FILE="./temp_image" curl -L "$IMG_URL" -o "$TEMP_FILE" IMG_TYPE=$(identify -format "%m" "$TEMP_FILE") if [ "$IMG_TYPE" != "JPEG" ]; then convert "$TEMP_FILE" "$OUTPUT_PATH" else mv "$TEMP_FILE" "$OUTPUT_PATH" fi cd /facefusion && \ python3 && \ sleep infinity " """