Listing large table is slow
here is the laravel docs on simple paginate hope that helps 😄
34 replies
Listing large table is slow
i think what u wanna use is simple pagination
34 replies
Select afterStateUpdated does not fire when selection is cleared
I think the problem here is that if you don't have a ->live() on the second input, by default you defer the update (e.g. send update on next roundtrip).
Now you get ONE! update roundtrip in the backend and it evaluates all your input updates sequentially, e.g. first the input that is above the lower one.
So you get the ->afterStateUpdated() from your select, it sets the state of the lower input. And after that, the update of the lower input overrides the changes done by your ->afterStateUpdated method of the upper one.
If you change the order of the inputs (e.g. have the select below the input field), it should work as expected, as the Select ->afterStateUpdated() method is evaluated after the textInput state update.
On the other hand, your fix with ->live() (or ->lazy()) will work as they send individual roundtrips to update the backend state.
hope that helps 🙂
25 replies
Filament forms createOptionForm
already solved (sorry i didn't see it before)
4 replies