public record Course(
string Title,
string Category,
int Number,
DateOnly PublicationDate,
TimeSpan Duration)
public static readonly Course[] Catalog =
new Course(
Title: "Elements of Geometry",
Category: "MAT", Number: 101, Duration: TimeSpan.FromHours(3),
PublicationDate: new DateOnly(2009, 5, 20)),
new Course(
Title: "Squaring the Circle",
Category: "MAT", Number: 102, Duration: TimeSpan.FromHours(7),
PublicationDate: new DateOnly(2009, 4, 1)),
new Course(
Title: "Recreational Organ Transplantation",
Category: "BIO", Number: 305, Duration: TimeSpan.FromHours(4),
PublicationDate: new DateOnly(2002, 7, 19)),
new Course(
Title: "Hyperbolic Geometry",
Category: "MAT", Number: 207, Duration: TimeSpan.FromHours(5),
PublicationDate: new DateOnly(2007, 10, 5)),
new Course(
Title: "Oversimplified Data Structures for Demos",
Category: "CSE", Number: 104, Duration: TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
PublicationDate: new DateOnly(2023, 11, 8)),
new Course(
Title: "Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology",
Category: "BIO", Number: 201, Duration: TimeSpan.FromHours(12),
PublicationDate: new DateOnly(2001, 4, 11)),
class Program
public static void Main()
// all the courses that are 4hrs or longer grouped by their category. What is shown: Title, Course-Number, duration
var q = Course.Catalog.Where(course => course.Duration.TotalHours >= 4).GroupBy(course => course.Category, course => new { course.Title, course.Number, course.Duration.TotalHours });